Qualified Allocation Plan

The Qualified Allocation Plan is the governing document for Montana Housing Credits. The QAP is intended to ensure the selection of those developments which best meet the most pressing housing needs of Montanans in accordance with the guidelines and requirements established by the federal government and the requirements, considerations, factors, limitations, criteria and priorities established by the Montana Board of Housing. 

June 6, 2024 QAP Meeting Recording
(Access Password: 75v@0%K*)

July 11, 2024 QAP Meeting Recording 
(Access Password: qA%pK6qe)

QAP Agenda Items
Staff Notes Board Discuss Matrix

Qualified Allocation Plan Documents

Use the appropriate Qualified Allocation Plan, with the corresponding forms and attachments, to guide your Housing Credits application. Contact us with any questions or problems you may have.


Please refer to the The Housing Credit Application and Process tab for Letter of Intent and Full Application documents.

2025 Qualified Allocation Plan 

2024 Qualified Allocation Plan 

2023 Qualified Allocation Plan 

2022 Qualified Allocation Plan

2021 Qualified Allocation Plan

The Fee Schedule can be found here